The main feature of fleas on humans is the fact that they tend to move on all the surface of human’s skin and bite several times randomly.
Do Fleas Live on Humans?
Three different kids of fleas, who mostly part attack people, are cat’s fleas, dog’s fleas and human’s fleas. They feed themselves with people’s and animals’ blood and for survival. Thus they get into the skin with the help of sharp jaws and suck the blood from the body. Actually fleas can’t live in humans. However, the fleas are harmful for people because they live in a great number of their owners and as a result they transmit diseases from one owner to another.
Fleas on Humans symptoms
Fleas prefer people. They are found, mainly, in waist areas, armpits, anklebones, elbow joints, knees and, in certain cases, on human’s hair. The signs of imperceptible stings are usually found within hours. However, signs of the fleas on children can be observed after several days. The first sign of fleas on humans is the itching nettle rash. There are some people who are very sensitive to the imperceptible stings and allergic prone. Their symptoms are more serious and the itch can’t be limited only by the skin rash, but they can feel it all over the body. Every other day or two the nettle rash can change into the blisters with the red points around them. If those blisters were scratched they start to bleed. It is highly possible that later the tumor may occur round those wounds, and also the secondary skin infections can develop because of the scratch.
The treatment in an initial stage of fleas on humans should give fast relief if you have the signs of itching. The first step cure from the fleas is to wash the sting area, using antiseptic soap and cold water to disinfect it. Never use the warm water as it can cause more itching. Then put the ice bag on the sting places. You should do it to lower a tumor. You can have a strong desire to scratch the nettle rash, but you should control it to reduce a risk to get the infection. The liquid from the sun burns or hydrocortisone creams can be used to reduce the itching. To kill the fleas on human hair you can use a white vinegar. Mix about one tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of your and add your shampoo, then massage that mix well in the hair. Wait about ten minutes and then wash it away. If the itch continues to disturb or u have some pus from the stings, then you should consult to the doctor. They prescribe anti-histamine drugs for curing the tumor. Some people can be infected with a tapeworm which is widespread by the fleas and therefore it is necessary to treat is as well.
Fleas enter the house through a pet. Therefore, a key role of prevention from the fleas is to get rid of fleas on pets and inside the house. Take your pet to the veterinarian for treatment. They will be given drugs for peroral taking and lotions for using on their fur. While cleaning the house, give particular attention to all those spots which are used by your pet. Fleas mainly oviposit on the carpet, upholstery, furniture, etc. The vacuum completely cleans all these areas. You can use an anti-flea aerosol or ‘an imperceptible bomb’ to make your house fleas free. External areas need to be processed with insecticides. You should continue constant cleaning in the house within several weeks to get rid of the infection with fleas in the house. If your house is filled with fleas, or it comes back after regular time intervals, you should look for help of professionals.