Where dog fleas on humans come from? From animals. Pets, especially dogs, often bring fleas from the street where there is an infection with fleas which transfers from animals to animals. The situation becomes complicated because for appearance of fleas on the person doesn’t require a direct contact between the pet and the owner as the fleas are capable to do without food for a long time and to wait for the next owner in that place where it was dropped by the infected animal. On the person parasitizes the human flea (Pulex irritans) who can also live on dogs, cats and even horses, that is on the animals who having a constant contact with humans. Nowadays, if the person complains on the fleabites, most likely, the troublemakers are the cat fleas on humans (Ctenocephalus telis) who, besides the cats, can live on dogs and hedgehogs. A cat’s flea is completely satisfied with the modern conditions and even in our rather clean houses it feels itself excellent.
Can dog fleas live on humans?
It happens and that there are no pets in the house, however, there are dog and cat fleas at on humans. More often it happens to the inhabitants of the first floors but actually fleas can appear anywhere. It is connected with that state the insects which live on the mice and rats, who are the inhibiters of the basement, can easily get on the first floor through the cracks, and farther to be carried from the one owner to another, after all fleas are incredibly jumping.
Some of animals have their own kinds of fleas but the problem is that they can change their owners. Dog’s fleas like people more than other fleas but they can’t live on humans they only bite them.
So, what to do when the fleas appear on humans? First of all it is necessary to process the pets with the antiflea means. There are lots of very effective remedies which allow to get rid of fleas on your pets completely for a short time. Then you should process the entire house with the special means, especially the places of the dust gathering – cracks on a floor, carpets, corners, and places under the furniture. It is necessary, as fleas’ larvae are breeding in the house dust. If your aim is to get rid of the fleas the main thing to do is to struggle against a dust.
If you suspect the appearance of fleas on your pets, we recommend addressing the veterinary laboratory in which you can get a consultation of the experts.